Hope Care
74710 Highway 111, Suite 102
Palm Desert, CA 92260
(760) 568-5700

Where There's Quality Care...There's Hope

Professional Care Giving
Hope Care Professional Care giving Agency specializes in referring non-medical, in-home companion care for the elderly and other individuals requiring support in order to remain independent at home. Serving Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert, La Quinta, Indio and all other cities of the Coachella valley with elder care. We can refer many in-home services including companionship, light housekeeping, laundry, meal planning and preparation, incidental transportation, errand running, and personal bathing and grooming assistance.
Our primary mission is to understand an individual and their family's needs and meeting those needs with the greatest courtesy, compassion and professionalism.
With more than 24 years’ experience in home care and professional referring, we place superior caregivers, homemakers and aides on an as-needed, part time or full time basis. Our referred experienced, caring individuals are dedicated to bringing comfort to both individuals and families in need of assistance.

Traveling Companion Services
Traveling Companions provide services for seniors and people who have special needs. Traveling Companions are experienced, responsible men and women who can provide the assistance required.
Wheelchair or motorized scooter ground transportation can be referred, also travel booking by a professional if needed.
Traveling Companions can provide assistance with packing, mobility issues, personal care, navigating flight connections through busy airports to safely reach your destination.
You can relax with peace of mind knowing you are in good hands. Call us today and ask about companion rates.
Hope Care Professional Care giving Referral Agency was created with the intention of providing dependable, professional care to help improve the quality of life for seniors and other adults who need assistance with activities of daily living in the Coachella Valley. The unique care giving referral services are designed to protect the dignity of seniors and other adults as they struggle with the physical and mental challenges associated with aging and/or disabilities. We also provide support and assistance to the families who must deal with their daily responsibilities while caring for aging parents or family members with disabilities.
Our unique approach to care giving has made us the premier choice among seniors and their families who believe that independent living is an important part of dignified aging. We offer life phone assistance 24 hours, 7 days a week. We guarantee fast placement and caregiver replacement. At Hope Care, our vision is to create an environment in which senior citizens can age with grace and confidence while maintaining a healthy social network. Hope Care team performs its collective duties with confidence, concern, commitment, cheerfulness, and care. We treat every contact as a friend, every client as family, and perform every task as an honor.
Why Hope Care?
24 Hour on-call assistance
Free insight Assessment
Immediate Responses
Locally Owned and Operated
Affordable Rates